From 0 to 1
The Ultimate Partner for Entrepreneurs
Don’t think, Become
Be a world changer
StarWorks Entrepreneurial Venture Capital (SWEVC) invests in startups that can create social value and make the world a better place. We help startups develop innovative business models and flywheels that power positive influence into the society.
Core Philosophy
Empowering Startups,
Providing Comprehensive Support
SWVC Leveraging resources from industry, government, academia, and research institutions, we provide comprehensive group services and capabilities. We approach startups from various aspects, including management, finance, and integrated marketing, to offer essential resources required during the early stages of entrepreneurship. By empowering startup founders and providing the necessary tools, we accelerate their growth journey from 0 to 1.
Focusing on Value,
We are delighted to invest in all aspiring startups that aim to change the world. As long as you share the same beliefs and are dedicated to creating value for society, you have the opportunity to receive our investment support.
Changing the World
We firmly believe that benefiting others is equivalent to benefiting oneself, and collaboration triumphs over competition. By integrating resources and collectively sharing gains, we continuously nurture young talents and teams to showcase their value, becoming the driving force to change the world.
What we do
Startup Investment
Talent C
Value Co-creation
Integrating Four-Party Resources to Build an Ecosystem Empowering Entrepreneurs for Growth
Industry Sector
Vertical Enterprise Acceleration Resource Level Integration
Academic Community
Nurturing Outstanding Student Talents Promoting Core Competencies Development.
Research Institutions
Technology Research and Innovation Providing Technology Transfer Resources.
Government Agencies
Advancing Social Development Together Establishing a Cooperative Exchange Platform.